Admin Tools Professional

From the makers of Akeeba Backup Core/Professional and Admin Tools Core, this is the enhanced release of Admin Tools, available on a subscription basis. On top of what Admin Tools Core already offers, Admin Tools Professional has these exclusive features:
- Restrict administrator with a secret URL parameter
- Web Application Firewall to block common exploits (SQL injection, XSS, DFI, RFI, malicious user agent, CSRF/spam-bot protection, uploads scanner)
- Bad word filtering
- IP Whitelisting for the administrator section
- IP Blacklisting
- Geographic block (deny access to specific countries/continents)
- Modification of Generator meta tag and other sensitive HTTP headers
- Email on administrator login
- Block front-end Super Administrator log-in
- Block Super Administrator user modification
- Block extensions installation
- Block visual fingerprinting (tmpl, template and tp URL parameters)
- Integration of the Bad Behavior anti-spam library
- Project Honeypot IP blacklist integration
- Automatic IP blocking of repeat offenders
- Email notifications of all detected security issues
- URL redirections (exclusive support for query parameters!)
- Scheduled site maintenance operations

The software is GPL; buying a single subscription you can install it on as many sites as you want and keep it running even after your subscription expires, without encrypted code, domain limitations or other such nuisances.

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